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Photo by Becca Kowolski

About Little Flower Designs

Little Flower Designs by Zahra was founded in 2015 by professional bellydance performer and instructor, Zahra Sagira, selling hand beaded zill bags and hips scarves to other bellydancers.  Within a couple of years, Zahra had added other handmade items for bellydancers, including crocheted zill mufflers and hair flowers, and travel jewelry organizers. 


When the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic hit, Zahra, like many others, used her sewing skills to make and sell reusable masks.  Before long, the product selection of Little Flower was expanded to include other practical, everyday items.


Each of our items is lovingly hand crafted with quality materials.


For more information about our products, contact us at


For more information about Zahra, please visit

Little Flower Designs Supurrrvisor - Cosette

In spring of 2015, Cosette - then a scrawny, stray kitten - forced her way into Zahra's home (literally) and her heart.  Though the first few months were a challenge as everyone got used to each other, it wasn't long before Cosette had her new humans well trained.  Now, when she's not too busy sleeping, playing or demanding food, Cosette is hard at work supurrrvising Zahra and the creation of Little Flower Design products.


*Please note, all efforts are made to ensure that our products are sent out to our customers fur-free.

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